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Package overview

Main class Genie

The class Genie is the main class of the genie package. A Genie object contains all data of a Genie release and the results of a re-annotation of mutations based on Illumina Connected Annotations (previously known as Nirvana).

How to create a Genie object

# Loading all data takes about 2 minutes.
import genie.genie as gd
genie_dir = "/my/path/to/genie-<version>"
g = gd.Genie(genie_dir)

Other data classes

Other classes defined by the genie package store the different data types provided by the Genie consortium. Objects of the main class Genie have instances of these classes as members (attributes).

  • PatientInfo: clinical data of patients.
  • SampleInfo: sample annotation.
  • Mutations: mutation data (SNVs and InDels) and mutation annotations.
  • CNA: copy number alteration data.
  • Panel: information about a single panel (annotation and content).
  • PanelSet: all Panels included in Genie.
  • TestedPositions: all positions tested by any Panel from the PanelSet.
  • Meta: meta information on data files.


The Configuration class stores the names of original data files provided by Genie and of auxiliary files derived from these original data files. The names of these files are defined in a JSON configuration file that is part of the genie module. Users can provide a custom configuration file to override some of the predefined file names if a new Genie version changes names.

The Configuration class also provides some functions for loading data files and auxiliary files as Pandas DataFrames. The data is read from cache files in Parquet format. If a cache file does not exist yet, it is automatically created from the original TSV file on the fly.

Details of data analysis

Please see the Analysis Details for a description how individual mutations are aggregated to gene level and how co-mutations are detected.